Use Cases
After analysing and reviewing Deliverables D1.1 - SoA and Gap analysis/recommendation on ESS features report, D1.2 - Initial system requirements specified, D1.3 - Voice-of-the customer completed as well as D1.7 - Architecture design of the AMANDA system delivered, the Consortium revised and consolidated the use cases. As a next step, during 2020, further research underwent on the original six use cases and were subsequently consolidated into three primary use cases, UC1, UC2 and UC3. The use case scenarios have been further consolidated on M42 into three final scenarios, FS01, FS02, FS03, based on end user requirements, system requirements, the technical excellence of each scenario, as well as the scientific innovation and exploitation potential of each scenario.
All three use cases display the potential of a multi-sensor autonomous card. The final list of use cases is as follows:
Use case | Description | Scenario | Description |
UC1 | Environment monitoring and reporting | FS01 | Work environment and thermal comfort monitoring |
UC2 | Asset tracking and occupancy monitoring | FS02 | Parking lot occupany monitoring |
UC3 | Mitigating the effects of the pandemic | FS03 | Crowd counting for social distancing |
UC1 - Environment monitoring and reporting
It utilises all three versions of the ASSC; indoor, outdoor and wearable. UC1 covers the monitoring and reporting of environmental conditions. With multiple integrated sensors, the ASSC can detect changes in temperature, air pressure and humidity and can subsequently provide information on their optimal levels, predict weather conditions and estimate unexpected changes in the state of the environment.
UC2 - Asset tracking and occupancy monitoring
It covers usage of all three versions of the ASSC. Detection of the presence of an object in an open or closed space is covered by UC2. The use case also includes tracking and localization of human movements. Finally, UC2 covers the ability of the ASSC to control access to a restricted part of a building or other indoor space
UC3 - Mitigating the effects of the pandemic
It is the result of research on both the current COVID-19 pandemic and also future pandemics. Contact monitoring and control of the number of people in an indoor area is covered by use case UC3.