AMANDA 3rd Plenary Meeting
On Wednesday 6th of May 2020, the first day of a two-day plenary meeting
for the H2020 AMANDA project was held. Concerning the COVID-19 imposed restrictions the 3rd Plenary meeting that was scheduled to take place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, was replaced by a virtual one using teleconference tools – Microsoft Teams Platform. Meeting begun with discussion over general achievements and workplan consistency and the plenary objectives were presented.
The first day of the meeting lead partners of WP8 (Project Management), WP1 (System Specifications, Requirements and Use Cases), WP2 (Sensor Development and Multi-sensorial Optimization) and WP3 (Energy Autonomy Booster) presented tasks, achievements and defined next steps. The Consortium agreed to expand the list of ASSC Use Cases, so instead of five, ASSC will have additional Use Case for the COVID-19 pandemic - General public, patient and medical equipment tracking in epidemics.
The second day of the meeting has been intense in terms of information as well as debate and discussion. The second day left was dedicated to presentation of the WP4 (Cyber-secure Mesh Communication and Processing), WP5 (Smart Interconnect PCB Development and System Integration), WP6 (ASSC Validation in Laboratory Environment and Evaluation) and WP7 (Dissemination and Exploitation).
Although generally, COVID-19 has no significant impact on the progress of the AMANDA project, however testing of the ASSC sensors in laboratory conditions will be slightly delayed, which is understandable due to the pandemic.
Plenary meetings are special working events that help move the Consortium forward in creating tangible deliverables that improve data sharing across disciplines, technologies, and partners. AMANDA partners are very pleased with the outcomes as we all agreed on the next steps regarding the development of the ASSC, and they are aligned with our long-term plan. At the very end of the meeting, AMANDA partners shared best wishes for health and may everyone return safely to their daily routines.