4th Plenary Meeting Held Online
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, 4th Plenary Meeting was held online, and it was a two-day event between 28 and 29 Sept 2020.
If we look on the bright side, 2020 has allowed us to reinvent activities and explore new ways to network. 4th Plenary Meeting brought together the consortium aiming to discuss outcomes from the 1st Project Periodic Review meeting held online on 8 Sept 2020. 1st Project Periodic Review meeting was successfully concluded, the comments received from the European Commission Project Officer and project reviewers are constructive and will undoubtedly contribute to the quality and progress of the project. The Project Officer particularly highlighted the good progress in sensor development and multi-sensorial optimization, energy autonomy booster, but also noted significant improvement in dissemination and communication activities, as well as the excellent quality of the submitted deliverables.
During the two-day Plenary Meeting, AMANDA partners exchanged views on the progress of the project so far. Great insights were obtained during the meeting, helping the project to move forward. Partners performed analyses for the use cases and operational scenarios in order to narrow down the final list. Furthermore, there was a discussion of a possible extension of the project due to a pandemic that delayed some of the project activities, like testing components in laboratories etc.
After 21 months within the project, AMANDA partners concluded this meeting stating they are very pleased with the advancement of the project and are looking forward to the next phase.